
Showing posts from May, 2020

Heal The Land

Heal The Land Two years before his death, Martin Luther King wrote a book titled, Where Do We Go From Here, Chaos Or Community . In this intriguing work, Dr. King expressed great sadness that after more than a decade of the civil rights movement, blacks were worse off than they were 10 years before.   The plight of Black America today would have left him mortified. I often wonder why 55 years after the Civil Rights Act, chaos is still what defines most black communities.   Race riots and clashes between police and protesters have been replaced with crippling gang violence; intact family units have been replaced with staggering unwed pregnancies and single mother homes; and a strong desire for jobs and business opportunities have been replaced with a malignant complacency to be cared for by a welfare state.   I believed lack of quality education, limited job opportunities or even just plain old laziness contributed to the stagnancy of black America, but then an incident from almost